initial visits

Your initial appointment will take 60-90 minutes, and we will dive deep into your current health concerns and past health history. By the end of this appointment, lab investigations may be recommended, and we will have a plan about how to move forward.

I also offer free 15 minute discovery calls for those who have some questions & want to ensure I am a good fit before committing to an initial visit.

Follow up visits

These appointments are a good opportunity to review any labs, track your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to our plan. Importantly, follow up visits allow you to stay connected to your plan, and get a renewed sense of encouragement & support.

Cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer screening is changing in BC. Instead of pap testing, cervix self screening is now recommended for individuals with a cervix, ages 25 through 69, every 5 years to screen for cervical cancer. This means that you can order a test kit to be sent to your home, and collect the sample yourself. Pap testing is still available for those who prefer, or for those not eligible for cervix self screening. Schedule an appointment to discuss what is best for you, or book a pap test if required.

Treatment options

I aim to provide evidence based treatment options, so that you feel confident & informed about your healthcare plan.


  • Having my pharmaceutical rights means that I can prescribe hormonal contraception, hormone replacement therapy for menopause, thyroid hormone, some anti-depressant medications etc. We will discuss the risks and benefits, and complete any necessary screening tests prior to beginning a prescription (ex. cardiovascular screening prior to starting hormone replacement therapy).

Lifestyle medicine

  • Understanding what your life looks like, and whether some lifestyle adjustments might support your health is important. I want to understand whether you engage in movement you enjoy, are able to rest & manage stress, have a supportive social network, sleep well at night etc.


  • Helping people foster a healthy relationship to food and eating is important to me, and something I work with a lot in my practice. Iā€™m often discussing evidence based ways that nutrition can support mood & hormones, without unnecessary food restriction. Discussing nutrition also includes talking about targeted nutrient supplements (ex. iron).

Botanical medicine

  • Herbs can be helpful for a variety of health concerns. I am commonly utilizing evidence based herbs to support hormones (ex. chaste tree), mood (ex. lavender), and digestion (ex. peppermint).


  • Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and has been utilized in the treatment of many health concerns for centuries. I utilize acupuncture to help with body pain, hormones, fertility difficulty, and to support mood & sleep.